Buy original Amber Leaf hand rolling tobacco at the best price in India with super-fast delivery on PEER Next. We offer COD option, best price guarantee, free shipping on orders above the combined value of INR 1,000, discreet outer packaging, and same day delivery for prepaid Delhi NCR orders. We are also fully compliant with government rules and regulations. We do not run any kind of paid advertisement, and we do not have a social media page.
Is Amber Leaf rolling tobacco available in India? If so, in how many stores?
This Irish brand which was founded in the year 1857 by Gallaher Group. It is a popular brand in Ireland and England, and other parts of the world. In India, it is also known and poplar among smokers who are above the age of 18 years. There are an estimated 6.5 lakh paan or tobacco shops in India. Of these, if we estimate that about 50% would be in the top 10 cities, it equals to 3.25 lakh shops. Of these, about 20% will be in non-budget localities, so say 65,000 stores. Of these if we further estimate that 20% would stock some brand of rolling tobacco, it gives us a total of 13,000 shops. However, of these even if 5% stock Amber Leaf, then an estimated total of 650 shops stock the brand Amber Leaf in India. We have estimated just 5% since most shops that stock rolling tobacco would be keeping American Spirit or/and Golden Virginia as they are in more demand relatively.
What are the top 5 rolling tobacco brands in India and what are their approximate market shares?
American Spirit is the most popular rolling tobacco brand in India, followed by Golden Virginia. Based on a rough estimate, American Spirit would hold a 35% market share of the hand rolling tobacco market, in value terms. Golden Virginia would have a 25% market share. The rest of the 40% will be for the other brands. This could include Pueblo (7%), Drum (5%), Amber Leaf (3%), and others (25%). This market is mainly dominated by the top 2 brands.
What is the history of Amber Leaf fine but tobacco?
The Amber Leaf Yellow, which is the same as Amber Leaf Original, is the primary sku of the brand available to adult Indians. The brand is owned by the Gallaher Group division of Japan Tobacco International (JTI), which is believed to be the 3rd largest tobacco supplier in the world after Phillip Morris and BAT. It came into existence in the market in the year 1991 by Gallaher Group, a multinational tobacco company that was listed in the London Stock exchange. Gallaher Group was acquired by American Tobacco in 1974, and then in 2007 was acquired by JTI. In fact, in the UK, JTI trades in the stock market as Gallaher Ltd.
Warning and Disclaimer
Consumption of tobacco products is injurious to health. We do not advertise or promote the sale of any kind of tobacco products. We do not sell to anyone below the age of 18 years and have a strict age verification system in place (involving checking the age with a valid government id). We do not sell in locations which are within 100 yards of educational institutions like schools or colleges. We support government’s efforts in curbing the use of tobacco products and in its regulation as per the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply And Distribution) Act, 2003. All our delivery agents are above 18 years of age. We charge all taxes on these products as per Government norms. All products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them by PEER Next does not imply any affiliation/association with or endorsement by them.